[»] VisualDNA testas

¤loG5: When all is said and done, you are a true optimist at heart. You like to laugh at life's little calamities. Better to see the funny side and ride the ups and downs with a smile on your face. Geriau taip ir būtų. :D

¤loG5: Your hobbies are your reward for working hard the rest of the time. They absolutely shouldn’t be boring. If you find that you don’t want to play football or grow vegetables any more then stop doing it and try something else.

¤loG5: If it gets your pulse racing, you’re there!

¤loG5: When things go wrong, you know there's no point sitting and worrying about it. It's up to you to get things back on track. And the sooner you do, the more secure you’ll feel.

¤loG5: You aren't scared of making big decisions and investments. You know that when it comes to things that will be part of your life for a long time you need to be confident - and you are!

¤loG5: You are naturally warm and trusting and enjoy sharing your love. You have a midas touch when it comes to setting the romantic tone, so do what you do best and express your inner romantic. :L

¤loG5: Remember it's the little things that count!

¤loG5: You believe in happy endings. By being yourself and feeling comfortable in your skin, you will give off lots of positive energy. Tikėkimės

¤loG5: Just be careful that you don't get too obsessed. No-one wants to hear how many sit-ups you've done over lunch!

¤loG5: Mornings are about taking some quiet time to focus on the day ahead.

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