<?php // PHP Proxy example for Yahoo! Web services. // Responds to both HTTP GET and POST requests // // Author: Jason Levitt // December 7th, 2005 // // Allowed hostname (api.local and api.travel are also possible here) define ('HOSTNAME', 'http://search.yahooapis.com/'); // Get the REST call path from the AJAX application // Is it a POST or a GET? $path = ($_POST['yws_path']) ? $_POST['yws_path'] : $_GET['yws_path']; $url = HOSTNAME.$path; // Open the Curl session $session = curl_init($url); // If it's a POST, put the POST data in the body if ($_POST['yws_path']) { $postvars = ''; while ($element = current($_POST)) { $postvars .= key($_POST).'='.$element.'&'; next($_POST); } curl_setopt ($session, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt ($session, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postvars); } // Don't return HTTP headers. Do return the contents of the call curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Make the call $xml = curl_exec($session); // The web service returns XML. Set the Content-Type appropriately header("Content-Type: text/xml"); echo $xml; curl_close($session); ?>
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